Protect yourself from the sun. One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun.

    Don't smoke. Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles.

    Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. So keep it gentle.

    Healthy diet can help you look and feel your best.

    Wash your face when waking, before bed, and after sweating.

Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you live. By taking steps to improve your digestive health, you'll help your digestive system to function more efficiently, improving your overall health and sense of well-being.

It’s easy to eat too much too quickly if you’re not paying attention, which can lead to bloating, gas and indigestion. Maintain a balanced diet.

Digestion starts in your mouth. Your teeth break down the food into smaller pieces so that the enzymes in your digestive tract are better able to break it down.

Regular workout can help you achieve a good digestion.

Limit foods that are high in fat to maintain a good digestion.

Protect Your Hair, always protect your hair from sun, wind and rain. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, dirt, pollution, etc. adds to our already existent hair woes. These can lead to dirt build up, drying out of hair and scalp, increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp. Cover your hair with an umbrella or a hat. Even your scarf will do.

Deal Carefully With Wet Hair, wet hair is very fragile and breaks easily. When wet, the shaft and roots of your hair are more prone to damage. Don’t be too harsh when shampooing breakage starts there. And also avoid brushing immediately after a shower. If you have to then use a shower cap instead.

Regular Conditioning, use a moisturizing conditioner after every wash. Never walk out of a shower without it. Missing this step could be the reason why your hair is frizzy.

Condition The Right Way, conditioning needs to be done right. Conditioners are formulated to seal in the moisture content in the hair shaft. They are not meant for the scalp. Start conditioning about 2 inches away from your scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp will only make your scalp excessively oily.

Use Same Line Shampoo & Conditioner, choose a shampoo and a conditioner from the same line as it has a similar formulation. These are made for a specific hair type and a specific purpose. It shows better results when you use a single line instead of two individual products.

Don’t Over Apply Heat On Hair, avoid using heat on your hair. Heat further strips the moisture content from your hair making it dry and frizzy. When overused, it can also burn your hair. Use iron/curl, straighteners only if necessary and remember to use a hair protectant before.

Avoid Tight Hair Ties, avoid using super tight hair ties; instead, opt for scrunchies with cloth around them. Tight hair ties tend to pull your hair back real tight which increases friction. This can cause breakage.

Don’t Braid Tightly During Bedtime, when you go to bed at night, loosely braid your hair to avoid a frizzy mess, a side braid is a better option. Leaving your hair open tends to create knots, which means you need to subject it to pulling and brushing in the morning. Over brushing results in the frizziness.

Exercise your back regularly – walking, swimming (including front and back strokes) and using exercise bikes are all excellent ways to strengthen your back muscles.

Always bend your knees and hips, not your back.

Check that your bed provides the correct support and comfort for your weight and build, not just firmness.

Learn relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises to help manage stress. Stress is a major cause of back pain.

Reducing back pain depends on a number of lifestyle changes. These changes include incorporating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also help ward off heart disease. Many fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines and herring, are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Dark chocolate not only tastes delicious, it is also very good for your heart. These compounds help reduce inflammation and lower your risk of heart disease.

Almonds, walnuts, pecans, and other tree nuts deliver a powerful punch of heart-healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

Exercise is essential for a good heart health, so why not sneak it in at every opportunity? Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

No magic is needed to brew up a cup of green or black tea. Drinking one to three cups of tea per day may help lower your risk of heart problems.

Control your portion sizes, you’ll be eating more often, so paying attention to portions is extremely important.

Eat with purpose, everything you consume should have substantial nutritional value.

Understand the basics of building muscle, talk to any personal trainer and they’ll tell you there are certain muscle-building basics.

Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal, no matter how bad your stomach is telling you to go for candy over healthy food, try to stay away from sweets.

Be sure to get good sleep, it is crucial to get enough sleep to recharge the body's batteries.